
DPO Abbottabad

2023-05-07 15:15:13

Reason for Visit:
Review: Venerated Sir. We (people) are facing issues on the Abbottabad check post while leaving abbottabad area, just before motorway toll plaza. Policemen stops the vehicles for the entry, misbehaves with the public at night when asked for the purpose of entry, being macho just because they are wearing a uniform. People with families are suffering from this as it also takes at least 10 minutes for the entry, while disturbing the flow of traffic. It is understood that entry of ID cards are due to security purpose but misbehaving with the public is not in the books of Law. At least they should be taught manners that how to speak and deal with the public and there should be more than one person for the entry to avoid the unnecessary lines of people at night on check post. I request you to look into this matter and instruct them some respect as they are for our security and not to scare us by misbehaving. Thank you

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